MIS Week
11/07/1984 |
“Ashton-Tate: Helm Steady” |
11/26/1984 |
“A Timely Departure At Ashton Tate?” |

Chicago Tribune
12/05/1984 |
“Turmoil at the top rocks Ashton-Tate’s strategic year” |

12/17/1984 |
“A New Chief at Ashton-Tate” |

PC Magazine
01/22/1985 |
“People in the News: Edward Esber” |

02/10/1986 |
“The Dark Horse Who Has Ashton-Tate Galloping Again” |

Los Angeles Business Journal
05/20/1985 |
“Ashton-Tate takes higher ground despite escalation….” |
Computer Systems News |
07/15/1985 |
“Ashton-Tate Expecting 40% Growth in Fiscal ’85” |

USA Today
08/01/1985 |
“Esber’s Timing Crucial” |
Electronics |
08/05/1985 |
“Ashton-Tate Thrives In Sliding Market” |

USA Today
09/09/1985 |
“Ashton-Tate builds framework for renewed growth” |
Computer Retail News |
11/18/1985 |
“Ashton-Tate Comes of Age Despite Slump’s Hrudles” |
Computer Dealer |
03/1/1986 |
“Ed Esber on the Change at Ashton-Tate” |
Personal Computing |
08/1/1986 |
“Ed Esber on Computing in Multi-user Environments” |
Computer Dealer |
10/1/1986 |
“Ashton-Tate: All the Right Moves” |

Computer Reseller News
11/10/1986 |
“Top 25 Executives” |

Computer Reseller News
01/1/1987 |
“Ashton-Tate Inc.: Edward M. Esber, Jr.” |

01/26/1987 |
“Ashton-Tate: A High Hurdle For A Front-Runner” |

05/11/1987 |
“The Free-For-All Has Begun – Software Companies ….” |

San Jose Mercury News
05/24/1987 |
“What’s Next for Ashton-Tate” |

05/25/1987 |
“Ashton-Tate Looks to Expand Its Software Presence” |
The Executive of Southern California |
06/1/1987 |
“Edward M. Esber: How Ashton-Tate Fights The Software Wars” |

PC World
09/1/1987 |
“Ashton-Tate at the Crossroads” |

10/23/1987 |
“The CEO 1000” |

Investors Business Daily
11/09/1987 |
“Confident of Position Amid Industry Transition” |

01/25/1988 |
“There’s Safety In Numbers For Ashton-Tate”
Editorial Response from Ashton-Tate to Business Week

02/08/1988 |
“It’s Grab Your Partner Time for Software Makers” |

02/08/1988 |
“It’s Grab Your Partner Time for Software Makers” |
P.C. Letter |
02/29/1988 |
“The Future of Database Management” |
Marketing Computers |
03/1/1988 |
“A New Push for dBASE” |

03/07/1988 |
“No more Mister Nice Guy: Esber says gloves off as Ashton-Tate regains fighting trim” |
Computer Dealer |
04/1/1988 |
“Ashton-Tate on the Warpath” |

04/11/1988 |
“Ashton-Tate’s Investors Are Sleeping Easier” |

04/15/1988 |
“Executives to Watch” |

Los Angeles Business Journal
05/02/1988 |
“At No. 3 software producter, 43% profit gain just isn’t good enough” |

San Jose Mercury News
06/19/1988 |
“Ashton-Tate Comes Back” |

10/21/1988 |
“The Corporate Elite” |
Personal Computing |
03/1/1989 |
“Is Ashton-Tate Born Again?” |

05/22/1989 |
“Don’t Bury Software’s Promise in Legal Bog” |

07/17/1989 |
dBugs in dBase IV Spread to the Bottom Line” |

Los Angeles Times
10/24/1989 |
“Ashton-Tate Takes It on the Chin but Vows a Comeback” |

San Jose Mercury News
11/07/1989 |
“Can Ashton-Tate Come Back?” |

11/13/1989 |
“dBase IV is a Godsend to Competition” |

01/08/1990 |
“Defending the Dbase Turf” |

Wall Street Journal
04/11/1990 |
“How Ashton-Tate Lost It’s Leadership in PC Software Arena”
“Esber Comments on WSJ 04/11/1990 Article”

Wall Street Journal
05/01/1990 |
“Ashton-Tate’s Esber Resigns Two Top Posts” |

USA Today
10/16/1990 |
“Ashton-Tate program: A return to glory” |
07/07/1991 |
“The Ashton-Tate Saga” |

CBR Online
07/11/1991 |
“Esber Vindicated: Ashton Agrees To Go To Borland Quietly” |

Upside Magazine
03/1/1995 |
“The Unkindest Cut”
“Esber’s Letter to the Editor and what they printed”

PC Week
03/01/1999 |
“Spencer’s Fifteen Memorable Moments” |

Computer History Museum
11/19/2004 |
“Computer History Museum: Ed Esber Oral History” |